All-on-4 is different from traditional dental implant treatments in many ways. Not only does it use fewer implant posts, but it often allows you to have a denture placed immediately. However, it will still take time for your mouth to recover after the procedure. To help make sure that you’re prepared for the healing process, here is a brief summary of 5 things you can expect after All-on-4 surgery.
1. You Will Need to Spend Some Time Resting at Home
It will be easier for your body to repair your mouth if you give yourself plenty of time to rest. It’s typically recommended that you spend at least two to three days relaxing at home following the All-on-4 procedure. Also, it’s best to avoid any kind of strenuous physical activity for at least a week to keep oral bleeding under control.
2. There Will Be Some Swelling
After your surgery is complete, a high amount of fluid and blood cells will be delivered to the area to encourage healing of the damaged tissues. This leads to swelling, which usually peaks within three days and gradually starts to subside on its own afterward. You can manage swelling with an ice pack during your first day of recovery, but after that point, you should switch to moist heat.
3. Some Bruising Might Occur
When you have dental implants placed, there may be some bruising during the initial part of the recovery process. This is no cause for concern; it’s a perfectly normal side effect of the surgery. It should mostly be gone by the end of the first week.
4. Your Diet Will Be Limited
Your implants will need some time to form a strong bond with your jawbone, and the temporary denture you receive won’t be ideal for handling hard foods. You’ll therefore generally need to stick to a diet of soft and liquid foods for at least three months after the surgery. Your dentist is likely to have a few suggestions for healthy meals that require little to no chewing.
5. Healing Time is Normally Between 3 and 4 Weeks
Not everybody’s mouth heals at the exact same rate, but on average it takes around 3 to 4 weeks to make a full recovery following All-on-4. If you’re still experiencing post-surgical side effects after this point (or if your symptoms get worse), you should call your dentist immediately to see what they suggest.
About the Author
Dr. Jeff Yenzer is very passionate about bringing his patients personalized care. He has been trained in dental implants and various other aspects of dentistry. At Yenzer Family Dental of Chesterfield, he is able to fully restore smiles with just four implant posts thanks to All-on-4. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Yenzer, visit his website or call (636) 778-3019.